Monday, August 10, 2015

I worry, what else is new?

I want to adopt. I've wanted to adopt for a long time. Since I heard about childbirth actually. I wanted to be a mother, but pregnancy and labor didn't make me giddy at all. They still don't. I currently have one biological son, who is a little over a year. I was convinced that my next child would be adopted, I was looking into what kind of adoption I'd want, and researching like the anxious mad woman I am. Then, I got pregnant. If you want to know my thoughts on this pregnancy, see the post just before this one.

This post isn't so much about the pregnancy as it is about learning more about the future adoption. Since I now have the time to think on this. Specifically, it's about my adopted child, and their inevitable exposure to the Asatru community. I'm determined to raise my children as well versed atheists. If they choose to be theists of any sort, I want it to be their choice. I however, am well aware that my kids will be exposed to my own religion more frequently, and in a better light than other belief systems. (A post about how to keep religious education balanced may be in the future) The issue I'm foreseeing, is the Asatru community harming my adopted child.

I don't believe that they will purposefully, or even knowingly harm my child, but people say dumb things. Asatru has a strong emphasis on ancestors, and bloodlines. Ancestors are often called on before the gods because they simply care more about you and your well being. As far as I'm concerned, when I adopt my child, my ancestors are also adopting my child. I worry though, that the Asatruar will not see it that way. Conversations about ancestry happen daily in online Asatru communities. As I read them, I worry about my child seeing some of the negative comments.

Any thoughts from the interwebs that can put these worries to rest?

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