Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wondering how Hypocritical I am

I often times go through my Facebook and roll my eyes at this Christian post, and that Christian post. I find it annoying to see extremely Christian posts in my news feed. Just today I got two different friends posting about how great their megachurches are, and how much they love Jesus. I find these posts really annoying, but interesting. Interesting because I'm just as guilty of it. Here's some examples from March:
"The Gods help those who help themselves. It's high time I pick myself up, dust myself off, grab my weapon, and fight back."
"Hail be to Frigga! Anyone have good ideas for offerings I can give her?"
"A very happy Freya/ Frigga/ Freyr's (whichever you might be honoring today) day to you all. I feel like I should get some sort of regular rotation between the three, but that would require me to have regular rituals, and the closest I've gotten to that is Washing Day."
"Computer battery is getting low, guess that means it's time to actually finish this washing day huh? There's not much left, I did most of the big stuff yesterday. Maybe I'll use the extra time for a rune casting, it's been awhile."

All of these are likely just as annoying to my Christian, and Atheist friends, especially the first one. So what was my point in posting that? To convert my friends? To please my Gods? To scream at my friends "I AM PAGAN!"?

I don't really care what religion my friends are because I believe any path is capable of bringing someone happiness. Therefor, I don't believe conversion was my goal.
I don't feel like my Gods care about my Facebook statuses. So, I likely didn't post these to bring a smile to Ullr's face.
I believe most of my Pagan central posts are to announce my Paganism to my friends... who already know I'm Pagan. Similarly, when a Christian posts Christian central content, they are announcing their Christianity to people who likely already have been made aware of their beliefs. It's posturing, and annoying to me, and likely annoying to my friends. Facebook probably isn't the best place to share religious messages, outside of religious groups and pages of course.

So, to sum up: I'm irritated by Christians posting things that announce to the world that the sky is blue. I, however, love to tell people that the grass is green. We all need to shut up about the obvious.


  1. Today my feed is FULL of Christian scripture. One friend has posted upwards of 15 status updates all focusing on Jesus. It really makes me want to retaliate with Pagan posts, but I know damn well that 1. It won't change anything and 2. It will annoy my other friends just as much as her posts are annoying me.
    Trying to be a better person is hard, I think I'll direct my energy into cleaning up the house and setting up my alter for spring (haven't done that yet cause it keeps snowing and really doesn't feel like spring yet)

  2. Today, I had 2 clearly Mormon friends posting various things to state that they are Mormon... No joke, there were like 5 pictures that all said "I'm a Mormon" .... No shit? I didn't get that from the 10 other posts you made about general conference in the past 12 hours. Venting here so I don't post stupid things on my feed.
