Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Frigga, and Freya

I feel compelled to write about my beliefs on the Goddess(es) Frigga and/or Freya.
There are many arguments in the heathen community about whether or not these two are the same goddess, or two independent beings. There are very good arguments for both sides, and I will try to display both in an equal manner (despite my own opinions).

One Goddess arguments:
Freya and Frigga are two names for the same goddess. The spelling and pronunciation varies by region, but she is the same woman. She is married to the Wanderer Od or Odin. She is a Goddess of Love, fertility and general femininity. She is well versed in Magic and is a strong warrior. She is associated with magic, fertility, childbirth, love, femininity, and matriarchy. The split came from a simple miscommunication.

Two Goddesses arguments:
The personalities of these two are too varied to be the same Goddess. Freya is a sensual woman, and a warrior. She is associated with cats, and the Valkyries. She represents an important point in a young woman's life where she defines herself, and sets herself up for future success with or without a family. Frigga is past that point and is now a Mother. She is focused on her children's well being and future. Frigga is calm and refined, she is a seer and mother. Frigga is associated with storks, spinning, marriage, and children. There is also insufficient ancient linguistic evidence to support the idea that these are the same names, for the same being.

My views:
I should probably explain a bit how I view the Gods in general. Our Gods are the consciousness of various aspects of life. The best examples are Thor and Odin. Thor is the name we have given the consciousness of our atmosphere (I'll post a-whole-nother blog about this theory). Odin is the name we have given to enlightenment. Keeping that in mind:
I'm honestly, still trying to figure it out. I believe it's clear that Freya is a Maiden, and Frigga is a Mother. That however doesn't mean that they are two separate beings. After all, every Mother was once a Maiden. And as Matt Smith's Doctor pointed out:

I believe the Feminine Goddess of the Norse is a growing and changing Goddess. When she was young, she was Freya, then she became Frigga, and she might be someone else entirely now. Invoking Freya will still call her presence to you. Also, at the same time you could invoke Frigga and receive a different presence. They are incarnations of the same Goddess. They live independently of each other. They can have a conversation with one another, go out for coffee together, but they are the same being. They are the consciousness of femininity. Femininity is complex and layered, we are mothers, but we were also maidens, and we're becoming crones.

TLDR? Frigga and Freya are the same timelord named Femininity.... maybe....

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